and now i realised, the people are about 5 years in lag time. haha.
i sit and laugh; while you live, and relive my memories.
to the elites for the elites by an elite.
1:47 AM
By jen the man
Monday, April 16, 2007
awwwwwww. here are 2 of the completed stencils i did. still amatuer work but i'll better the upcoming ones. be prepared to see them in sch or on my tees.
heee haaaa
11:22 AM
By jen the man
Friday, April 13, 2007
we ignore the no t-shirts on friday thing.
oh man, every friday seems like the climax of an orgasm. really.. anyw i've cut out 3 stencils! woooo. now i cannot wait to go buy spray paint, the canisters type. i will test out the designs on my room wall (lol sry mom), if its nice, i'll also spray my design on a blank shirt. woooo.
damn it. just when i was going to have an ejaculation upon thoughts of stencils and graffiti, miss supervisor assigned me with new work. to be handed in by 2.30pm -adjust clock to 2 hrs before-
there, now i have 2 more hours to slack.
now allow me to digress, i was just thinking, how do you maintain a firm relationship? (bf gf that relationship) was reading blogs and as i wandered off into unknown blogs (LJs in specific), i noticed a distinct similarity amongst them. hmmm, meetups with yr bf/gf on weekends is enough to sustain a loving relationship? i really wonder, are they going to progress their relationship into something more paramount, like marriage? if not, then why bother wasting time and money? ain't flings more worth it to consider? eh i'm not looking forward to an increase in breakups ah :)
ignore JEN.
the yellow (highlighted) part will be black. ooo imagine that. cunt wait for my spray paint to cum. LOL. till then, adios.
wait till you reach the out-of-teen phase, you'll start to regret, like how you regret not throwing enough wet tissues onto toilet ceilings and spitting from the top floor. it's now or never, people.
I wanna make my dream come true We'll build a house at some no-man's island I'll feed you with fish and rabbit's meat And we'll live on love
it still is an uncertainty i can't quite fill. sidetracking, i really can't wait for this month to end. that nirvanic obsession with ink married on my skin is really plundering my mind everytime i take off my clothes =\
1:31 PM
By jen the man
The Sane Saint
Name: Jensen Tan Jansen
One may think we’re alright But we need pills to sleep at night We need lies to make it through the day We’re not ok.