Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dedicated for memory's sake,
- often late for work but no one gives a shit, not even myself. well, i dont give a shit on most stuff.
- am also the youngest looking civil servant (40 something more days left) in the building and haven't gone through NS. (just wna say this 'cos i feel NS is a waste of time)
- contradictory to my work on helping wayward youths, i sometimes sneak out for lonely and solemn smoke breaks. but it's been declining this week and the week before. (holier, i feel) and not forgetting my tattoo which i have to unveil pretty soon 'cos of an outdoor event. ("wooo this probation officer got tattoo, lets go do one tmr")
- started conquest on books and completed 2 books so far. (goes to show how much free time i have or how fast i read or how thin is the book)
- losing in interest in my supposed "colourful" teenage life
Left with about 6 hours for myself every weekday. It's 1plus now and i'll most probably repay my little hours of sleep at work tmr. Wish me luck on having a good dream!
4:33 AM
By jen the man
Friday, February 23, 2007
can i return you the kiss you planted on my flushed cheeks?
'cos i haven't really gotten over you, really.
4:28 AM
By jen the man
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
right there i found youat a locale which belongs to usand us alone.with effects of alcohol polluting advancingly, intensified with elaborate lightings, a pulsating beat and a crowd of gyrating bodies. also topped off with a tinge of luck. we stood out from the pack. and surely as we know, the moment belonged to us. all till the spirit of cinderella acted, we parted, with mutal affection and contendness that the night was our night. we shall do it again once more.
From me to you :]
7:56 PM
By jen the man
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Dont ask whats the plan,
when you do not want to be involved in it.
save yr msgs and dont waste mine,
'cos i have better plans for my time
without you involved in it.
Cheers to the losers
12:37 AM
By jen the man
Monday, February 12, 2007
i wna wear my sneakers
i wna wear my tees
i wna walk my i-dont-give-a-shit-bout-you way
i wna shout like i always do
i wna bang the walls and kick the table
i wna laugh at anyone at anytime
i wna go for smoke breaks as and when i like
i wna play CS
i wna say hi and hello and hey to my acquaintance
i wna stand up and sit down after 2 star jumps
i wna do all these again...
looks like,
i just dont wna grow up.this is what IPP does to you.
only on the first day, i hope.
9:49 PM
By jen the man
and so with the same credit token, i conquered the 1 week of arduous battle with the exams.. like every typical fighting arcade game, you proceed to the next stage after a win. and to my dismay and probably to every IPP-er as well, the following stage seems to be too immediate. unless you got posted to a relatively attractive company like Merrill Lynch *coughs fck shawn the prick*, then i guess your better off. and i also suggest you pray for protection from
MY curses. na bey cheese pie up your dad's ___

ministry of community development, youth and sports, eunice olsen plays with my shorts.
may the Lord be with me throughout this 11 weeks (and till forever but i'll still say this 11weeks for comfort purposes). so i know that if ever in the worst case scenario where i'll be alone during lunch time, at least the Lord, i say
AT LEAST THE LORD is with me, watching me eat. muhaha.
OH and the answer to the previous post is - a $1.36 bus ride. TADA
4:12 AM
By jen the man
Saturday, February 10, 2007
plugged into the white soothe machine, i lay back my heavy head against the black rigid support and cut myself some slack from emotionally disrupting thoughts.
michelle branch played "all you wanted" for my ears and man did that 4 mins feel uplifting. anyway everytime i hear this song, i think of the past and its pleasant memories, and not forgetting the unpleasant ones as well.
ok the above 2 paragraphs summarized the highlight of my saturday evening and its more or less for my personal recollection of thoughts for the day. it doesnt concern you as well lol
"wah, you look good today son", mommy complimented me today. woooots. must be the 2 straight hours of soccer under the very very very cheery sun and the haircut by my least-liked lady hairdresser. a twist of events this time round i must say. she actually did a good job on my hair and well fulfilled my criterias. had a nice chat with her and just too bad that shes 21 years old.. ha ha
now now now, this brings me to valentine's day. those who know me well will know, haha. 4 years and running single, long distance runner i am. but i know God will bless me with one in time to come.
sweet home alabama
someone answer me why the $1.36 title. hint: the first 2 paragraphs coincide and are of relation. heee haaaok i've updated
10:15 PM
By jen the man
Saturday, February 03, 2007
i just realised an important point today.
all along i dream of an all
elite group consisting of cool people (appearance-wise)
hard to describe in my limited vocab but like imagine punks, tattooed guys, babes, and rockers in a group that will turn heads toward our direction wherever we go.
but after today, i can wholeheartedly chuck this dream aside, hands down. u dont have to hang out with cool people to have a good time everytime. as long as the people u hang out with are fun loving, thoughtful and genuine, its more than anyone can ask for. seriously. it will now be a bonus if your friends fit the above positive points. maybe abit late for me to understand the importance of this now but better late than never. for those who has yet to learnt this importance, i believe ure at least 30% knowledged on friends now. geee.. wiser i've become. thanks to my friends. be them new or old.
its pleasant and heartening to hear that someone admires your life thanks :]
7:09 AM
By jen the man
Thursday, February 01, 2007
You get a glass of water
You drink a mouth full from it
Theres still water in the glass
Do you finish it all up straightaway?
Or do you leave it aside and drink it again only when you want to?
(Lame it may seem but remember this when you get a drink and think bout it)
Singapore defeated thai-tranny-land! yay!
and yes my voice was defeated as well
never knew i cared this much for Singapore
i think i'm gna change my mind and not be a clerk in NS alr
ha ha ha
sidetrack a little.
and so we walked nearer to the main road while awaiting for a cab and i noticed this vacant block of flats. the absence of light in that entire area handicapped my thoughts and i found that sight very very familiar.. just when i was diverting my focus on getting a cab, i past by another vacant block of flat facing the main road. true enough it was deja vu acting. no doubt i saw this before in my dream. and this dream was more of a nightmare to me. shant say much but its just too freaky. the signs are many i must say and knowing this, i guess its really time to return. give me the strength i need oh Lord.
i'll get
extra strength soon when i enter NS.
IF i rule out being a clerk.
IF i return to _____.
IF i stop procastinating.
IF my mind stops
hello to miss february
3:29 AM
By jen the man