Tuesday, January 30, 2007
i'm gonna study i'm gonna study X10
after my lunch
after my msn
after my game
after my friendster
after my blog reads
after my ribena
after my msn
after my butter cookies
after my cartoons
after my simpsons
after my ch8 7pm show
after my dinner
after my ribena
after my msn
after my ch8 9pm show
after my music
after my cig
after my walk around the hse
after my ribenaOkay time to study! flips the page. Introduction to... zzz zzz zzz
Lord i pray this doesnt continue for the 4 remaining days of study
1:30 AM
By jen the man
Thursday, January 18, 2007
i snigger when people come up to tell me they always skip lectures as if its like 'ohhh i picked up smoking many years ago' kind of thing.
now kids, its my turn to action
'i make my own timetable eh, i skip lectures.. and school ha ha' takes in a deep drag of menthol.
'school rocks dude'
8:20 PM
By jen the man
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
finally the title thing done. gleams with retarded pride =]
had a nice discussion and yea. came to realisation that we
do not have to report
or explain to anyone about our history.
rmb i'm God... rawr!
1:25 AM
By jen the man
Saturday, January 13, 2007

u hear tt the people around u and those who walk on the same streets as u are facing the same problem but all have yet to find a solution to the cure.
maybe its just me... nah cant be, i heard too much and seen too much..
its getting really strange but i know that if i miss this calling, everything i've come across, be it mentally, physically or emotionally, will all deal a rather hefty blow to myself. and maybe to most of u in the world out there. maybe i shud just stop procastinating and advance.
hmmms..i believe most of u are reading aimlessly or rather lost at this juncture but i just need to allow an outlet of my thoughts somewhere and blogging seems to be the only avenue tt allows me to do so, without being distracted or torn down bt any meaningless comments.
sometimes i really wish tt i can be normal normal and not normal abnormal, if u know wat i mean. this aint emoing or what fyi. i wish tt the smile can be real and not plastered. if
u feel sincerity is expressed on the surFACE then u will not definitely see a person as he is. feeling as lost as u are right now upon reading this post, i too am feeling exactly the same. perhaps God didnt have to create eve, then adam would be alone and i rather he created the world this way. just that all of us are adams, in many many many similar worlds...
on a lighter note, i've cleared most of my ICAs and my relationship with my mommy is getting closer.
perhaps God could have created adam and a eve. but then eve would be adam's mother. i believe i would be wholly satisfied this way...
maybe i'll be God
5:57 AM
By jen the man